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The Nine-tailed Fox
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The Nine-tailed Fox
Paul Bowles’s Literary Engagement With Morocco- Poetic Space, Liminality, and In-Betweenness ![]() |
Richard Wright Writing America at Home and from Abroad ![]() |
"Three American GIs have gone missing in different South Korean cities. Sergeants George Sueno and Ernie Bascom, agents for the Army CID, link the disappearances to a woman locally rumored to be a gumiho, a legendary nine-thousand-tailed fox disguised asa woman. George suspects that the woman is no mythical creature, but a wealthy kidnapper who’s good at covering her tracks. Scrambling to stay one step ahead of a psychotic mastermind, George realizes he will have to risk his life to discover the whereabouts of his fellow countrymen"--
- 作者: Limon, Martin
- 原文出版社:Soho Crime
- 出版日期:2017/10/03
- 語言:英文
The Nine-tailed Fox